Scott and Jessica at Six Flags
Chelsea, Jessica, and me, Awe don't we look like sisters!??
Ashley and cute Little Alex! (no worries Alex, Ethan will join the family soon!)
Me preggo, barefoot and cooking - classic!!!!
So summer came and summer went!!! Holy cow time flies when baking a baby and keeping busy! Here are the current stats on what is up in the Holley household. I worked, but am now cutting down on hours with no more night shifts and no more 12 hour shifts! OH YA! I also am coming up on my 1 year anniversary of surviving 1 year as an RN. Iwent to visit my wonderful family in Washington in June. We had good times just chilling out and having fun together.
I am currently 34 weeks pregnant and wishing it would end already! I love feeling the kicks and movements of this little guy but I want to hold him!!! Scott and I went to a Birth class, Scott did NOT pass out watching the live birth video, which gives me hope that they will not need a spatula to scrape him off the floor, but no guarentee yet! The most current picture of the belly is me in action at the sink! We have been bad at documenting belly growth... but this one was in the beginning of August.
Jessica also came out to visit for almost 3 weeks! What fun we had!! She also went to EFY in Amherst, MA, she had a blast. We did some shopping and exploring. Scott took her to Six Flags while I worked (they probably would not let me on the rides anyway). They had a great time!!
Scott worked this summer for West Hill Partners, a start-up Private Equity Firm. He enjoyed the work on looking at companies to buy, did lots of research on a certain product (not sure I can diclose that). But none the less, he learned a few things this summer. He also just went to the Utah vs. Michigan game in Detroit (25-23, go UTES!) with some friends as a last hurrah for the summer since classes for his 2nd yrear at Harvard Business School start tomorrow.
We have also been preparing for our little blessing Ethan Edward to arrive! We rearranged the house, moving our office into the 3rd smaller room and setting up the Nursery in what used to be the office. It is very cute and I will post a picture once I get the camera from Scott. Let the nesting begin! There are still some small cleaning projects to do, lots of baby stuff to buy, but we still have 6 weeks plus or minus 2, to get ready, but time is flying. The Kitties have no idea what is comming!
Just a few other things we have done this summer...
Went to the beach (once) sad I know...
Scotts mom and stepdad came out to visit in May
Went to Tanglewood
Hung out with frineds
We, well I, will keep you posted on how things are going! We miss everyone who is not here with us and we love you!