So here are some of our fun pics from Cabo San Lucas. We brushed up on our Spanish, took a dip in the Sea of Cortez, Went on a ATV desert tour and saw some cool cacti, went snorkling, took a stroll on Lover's Beach (a real beach that you can only get to by boat) Saw humpback whales ect... Oh and we slept a lot, or at least I did, about 12 hours a night/day:)
This trip was out last hurrah as a lone couple, next time and hencforth we will have pon the kid/s off!
The summer plans are to work, take a vacation to see my patrents and my youngest sister Jessica is coming out to visit for a few weeks! Scott will intern at _______. (still awating a verdict). And we will most likely run up a huge electrical bill to stay cool in the hot Boston summer! Anyway enjoy the pictures!