So here We are 1 Year Later with a 12month old today! I can't beleive that he has grown so much.... and might I add myslef! I feel like the past year has flown by! Ethan is such a joy in life, full of giggles and fun! He keeps me on my toes now that he can get up on a few things around the house! If I can just keep him out of the ER another year I will be a happy mommy!
Scott and I continue to enjoy our time here in Boston, although I might add that Scott has ditched me for London for 3 weeks of work...... Oh well. Next time he goes to Europe it will be with me and kid free! I am staying busy hanging out with other mommies, firends and working here and there. I find most of my time is consumed by making sure Ethan is safe from his lack of common sense, BTW when does that kick in?
Well better run so Ican get a few things done while the boy naps! Here are a few more Pictures for you all to enjoy!