A little back story - Ethan had a reaction(rash bt not hives) to oats when he was first introduced to it.... We confirmed an oat allergy when he was about 1 year old. Ever since, Ethan has never eaten oats. Although he still eats the baby cereal like a hot cereal, Rice, Barley and Wheat. Oats are in a lot of cold cereal and he has never taken to eating the other options..... anyway, needless to say, Jenna has now started solids and I have given her oatmeal with no problem....but her cereal box looks like Ethan's box....
The other issue at hand is that our town "forgot" or rather did not comply with the FRA(Federal Rail Assoc.) law changes in the past 5 or six years since it was changed and has resulted in the expiration of the QUIET ZONE in our town. Therefore they must blast their horns every time they cross the street on the railroad tracks.... We live 3 houses and across the 2 lane street from a train station and it has been a rough several days as every train, even at 5:10 am and 11pm lays on the horn. So not much "great sleep" is happening in the Holley house.....
So I kicked Scott out of bed this morning: middle of the night infant needs and train horns and a late night getting to bed just were not allowing for a good rest.... I just could not roll out..... So Scott apparently as sleep deprived as I, or just a little behind me.... Rolled half awake out of bed and fed Ethan breakfast.....
Back to this afternoon finding the Oatmeal in a different location I asked Scott if he had given Oatmeal for Ethan's breakfast, and he is pretty sure he did "Oh my gosh I think I might have. I just grabbed the first thing I saw!".... Nothing happened to Ethan thank goodness, but I am not sure whether or not Ethan is really "allergic"..... I suppose we shall see next time we see the allergist....
I am a bit dumbfounded and maybe he has grown out of it... Who knows!!! But seriously these trains are starting to effect our minds one way or the other!