Okay so Motherhood is not always what you fantasize while that little bun is cooking. The Bun, aka Ethan, was all nice and warm and browned on top for the past year, and now he has opened up and the steam is burning my fingers!
So I had a fabulous expereince with this little man while shopping for craft supplies for a YW project. Ethan had wiggled his way out of the shopping cart and so I had to hold him, because the little guy should have been name Houdini. He then goes on to wiggle with all his might out of my arms so I can only put him down..... then he heads for the display of fake floral wreaths, I could just picture the disater..... I of course am trying to check out my stuff and he is on the loose! So I go and pick him up and let the screaming begin! Tears and yells and wiggles are overpowering me and I can only put him down, happy as a bug he heads for more items of interest. Luckily my frined Ande was with me, who finished checking out for me, while I headed to the car... with Ethan walking along side me happy as a camper. As soon as I try to get him into his carseat, some wizard must have yelled "Petrificus Totalis"... Because he went straight as a board and only super mommy stregnth could get his hips to bend... And more crying and tears.... Gosh you think my main goal in life to to be the evil mommy monster that ruines all the fun....
I think we have also entered the Separation Anxiety Phase as well..... The kid wants me then pushes me away..... Well I guess this is how it will be until I am on my early deathbed; a result of mini heart attacks from Ethans disregard for safety these days.
Well..... I must now go and appologize to my mother for all the tantrums I threw and for all the shoves away. I am hoping that I can survive toddlerhood sane.... and to think I want more of these little people...... Well I will just have to be insane for a while, because at the end of the day, they are just too cute(natures way of keeping the young alive)....
This is a Picture and Written "Journal" of sorts to make sure that we keep a family record about what the Holley family is up to. Since time goes by everyday so quick, we will dose it a week at a time:)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
A year Later! Happy Birthday Mr. Ethan!

So here We are 1 Year Later with a 12month old today! I can't beleive that he has grown so much.... and might I add myslef! I feel like the past year has flown by! Ethan is such a joy in life, full of giggles and fun! He keeps me on my toes now that he can get up on a few things around the house! If I can just keep him out of the ER another year I will be a happy mommy!
Scott and I continue to enjoy our time here in Boston, although I might add that Scott has ditched me for London for 3 weeks of work...... Oh well. Next time he goes to Europe it will be with me and kid free! I am staying busy hanging out with other mommies, firends and working here and there. I find most of my time is consumed by making sure Ethan is safe from his lack of common sense, BTW when does that kick in?
Well better run so Ican get a few things done while the boy naps! Here are a few more Pictures for you all to enjoy!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Summer 2009

So, I have 10 minutes before I have to get Ethan up from his nap, lest bedtime be a struggle! I thought I would catch everyone up on the Holley Family.
So last you heard Scott graduated from his MBA program still wondering what the next step would be in our adventure. Well we are happy to announce that Scott did find a job here in Boston! We are going to enjoy Bean Town a bit longer! We are thrilled to stay! He started working for OC&C Strategy at the end of June and is now feeling like it is a good fit.
I on the otherhand am working full time to raise Mr. E. A full time position with no pay but lots of benefits including hugs and slobbery kisses, waves and the shaking of the head (No). Just my kind of work! On a more serious note, I am looking forward to working a few shifts at the hospital in September.
This summer we have ventured out to Washington to attend my sister Chelsea's Wedding, which went beautifully! We then trekked to Cannon Beach Oregon for a Family reunion. Scott went golfing with the pros in the family and went fishing with all the guys who married into our crazy, but awsome family. They even brought home lots of salmon, and about 45 Dungoness crabs, which were littlerally devowered like wolves withing about 20 minutes. I guess I am not the only seafood lover in the family, it must be genetic. We had a great time flying kites and building the MOST AWSOME sand castle in all of Cannon Beach. We then headed back to my parents and Scott went back to work while I stayed and played in WA. Now we are back and moving forward. Ethan Will be 1 year old in September.... which makes me reflect on the past year. I think all I have accomplished is raising a cute boy who has decided to start walking already. That is motherhood. Anyway, better go get my boy up so he goes to be by 7:30! Wish me luck. We will keep you posted on our adventure in Montreal this weekend! Love and miss all you out there that I don't see too often, or those who ditched Boston for other places around the globe!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ethan and Mommy at 7.5 months

Ethan at 7.5.months

7.5 months

Ethan at 6.75 months

Ethan at 5.25 months

Ethan at 5.75 months

Ethan at 2.5 month with Mom and Dad

Ethan around 3 months

Christmas in WA, with Mimi Farnworth

Mom, Ethan and Dad at Church at 1.5 months

Okay, I have heard I am a bad blogger so here will be an attempt to catch up on a few things....
Ethan is now 8.25 months old! He is a busy boy! Crawling since 6.5 months and pulling to stand and cruising a little makes him feel soooo BIG! Lots of toothy smiles and some giggle with a tickle are flowing in abundance these days! He is still a very curious boy, always inspecting new items from every angle possible and then tasting every aspect of it! He eats a variety of foods now too:)
We have since my last post found Ethan is allergic to kitties, so Boo and Bucky went to a new home together where I have heard they have adjusted and settled in. It was a sad few weeks in the Holley home since we lost 2 very precious family members, but our furry friends are happy with a roof over thier heads:)
As for Scott and I......
Scott has finally gotten his MBA from Harvard Business School. We celebrated all last week with dinners, family and friends! We also went to NY for the weekend and saw a Ballet at the Lincoln Center. It was nice to get out without the baby tagging along. Scott is currently searching for the next best opportunity to start his post MBA career while doing some consulting work:)
I, Brittany, have been just busy with my church calling to serve the Youth, I love it. I love the girls soooo much! I have been keeping busy just making sure Ethan stays out of trouble. We go to a few mom groups which is great for the mental stability of any new mother:). If I am not doing those things I am enjoying a bit of Card making, sew projects, and my friend Ande and I made an attempt to make baby food; messy but rewarding. I also just keep things together here at home. Walking to the Pond and park are also a favorite, since Ethan loves the swing:)
So, life is changing for us alot these days. We are sad to see so many good friends move away, but we are excited for the future:)
Hope you enjoyed the pictures and update of the Holley family progress:)
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