Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tantrum and crying fits....

Okay so Motherhood is not always what you fantasize while that little bun is cooking. The Bun, aka Ethan, was all nice and warm and browned on top for the past year, and now he has opened up and the steam is burning my fingers!

So I had a fabulous expereince with this little man while shopping for craft supplies for a YW project. Ethan had wiggled his way out of the shopping cart and so I had to hold him, because the little guy should have been name Houdini. He then goes on to wiggle with all his might out of my arms so I can only put him down..... then he heads for the display of fake floral wreaths, I could just picture the disater..... I of course am trying to check out my stuff and he is on the loose! So I go and pick him up and let the screaming begin! Tears and yells and wiggles are overpowering me and I can only put him down, happy as a bug he heads for more items of interest. Luckily my frined Ande was with me, who finished checking out for me, while I headed to the car... with Ethan walking along side me happy as a camper. As soon as I try to get him into his carseat, some wizard must have yelled "Petrificus Totalis"... Because he went straight as a board and only super mommy stregnth could get his hips to bend... And more crying and tears.... Gosh you think my main goal in life to to be the evil mommy monster that ruines all the fun....

I think we have also entered the Separation Anxiety Phase as well..... The kid wants me then pushes me away..... Well I guess this is how it will be until I am on my early deathbed; a result of mini heart attacks from Ethans disregard for safety these days.

Well..... I must now go and appologize to my mother for all the tantrums I threw and for all the shoves away. I am hoping that I can survive toddlerhood sane.... and to think I want more of these little people...... Well I will just have to be insane for a while, because at the end of the day, they are just too cute(natures way of keeping the young alive)....


Jo Lynn said...

You crack me up, I'm only laughing because I remember my first public tantrum and it was the worst, everyone is asking if your child is tired or what they can do to help and all you want is to get out! I so wish I could say it gets easier, but what you said about them being cute keeps them alive, so true! Hang in there, hope your sweet hubby gets home soon to help out. :)

Sweeney Household said...

I love reading about these types of moments. Somehow it makes all of us moms relate to one another, and to remember that we aren't the only ones. Tantrums in public are tricky, but you are great & you survived. :) Some days I can't wait for my kids to be asleep so I can admire them from that vantage point.

Hyo said...

Thank goodness they come cute!...motherhood is crazy isn't it?..and I just LOVE it when people give you strange looks because your raising your voice at your kid and holding them like there's no tomorrow out in PUBLIC...oh heaven forbid!!

SLP said...

All moms have been there...
I love your candor and your ability to capture the moment with words...I can see it now :)
Hang in there,

Aubrey said...

What honesty. You make me laugh. I know these moments are just around the corner. :) But you're right — you can't help but love them and want more.