Friday, February 11, 2011


I just had a proud me moment I thought I should share...

Nap time was going to be a struggle... Ethan did not want to get a diaper change or put his comfy pants on... so I did not say much just did the usual routine, laid him down for a diaper change and he seemed to eventually get the idea. Then came time to get in bed. He was ready for a fight, I was not: crying and getting right out as soon as I left the room and shut the door. Then came the door pounding; not my favorite consequence of shutting him in with a baby proof door knob, but he must not be able to get out into the rest of the house during sleep time... So I stood there a few seconds and let him pound - it was loud, so I went in and said nothing and put him back in bed, more crying and such and I left the room and did this about 3 times. On the 3rd round I had given him a kiss, so when the 4th round came, I went in after waiting longer with the door pounding and put him in bed and I said nothing, then as I was going out the door, he said "Big Kiss?". I obliged. and then left and now he is down for the nap... I so wanted to react, but I held strong today and did not engage in the toddler games... end result =good:)

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