SO needless to say, the past 3-4 weeksh ave been nothing more than a Holley petry dish with loads of bugs to pass around.... Winter has been rough weather wise and health wise... not that anyone is suffering more than a cold or tummy bug but it just seems that someone is always needing a Kleenex these days, and in Jenna's case, the blue suction bulb... I will spare the nasty details but mommy, aka me, is dying for winter to be over, not only so we can enjoy the outdoors, but to avoid the straight jacket for certain member of the family and spring out of the prison at 9 Irving St...
The update on the family person by person is as follows.....
Scott - Started his new job at Harken Capital. He has set up an at home office in the bedroom and is working roughly part time from there. He is certainly enjoying the fact that he can now cut out commuting time and hit the gym more often, which his personal goal means at least 3 times a week. He is getting a bit more family time as well. Ethan is loving that daddy is home more and often will see him every day and evening. Such a nice change for us all. Scott has also put together our family Will, done the taxes and found time to do his calling at church as the Assistant to the Ward Mission Leader. Good things are coming out of this new change in our lives and Scott will certainly enjoy his free time more...
Brittany - I am surviving the winter with a 2.5 year old and a 2.5 month old. the best thing I have purchaced in a long time is the double stroller. I can now leave with both kids and hit the mall, or craft store a bit easier.. This will likely increase my spending but it just might help me get through the days. I am currently planning a baby shower for a friend and I am loving the creativity that has been on the back burner for a while... I recently threw my back out while Scott was in NY for work, and I have to say, thank heavens for Relief Society and the friends you meet. A friend came to my rescue and helped with the kids so I could get to the Chiropractor and thankfully Scott came home early, which was super helpful since Ethan got a stomach bug that night.... It has been an interesting rollercoaster in the mommy job department, but I am trying to see the good in it all and I am trying to hold on to the hope that someday I will look back and say I did a pretty good job holding together while trying to raise my kiddos.
Ethan - Recently his vocabulary has turned into sentances which are often very cute. Recently he pooped in the tub for the first time on my watch. I was talking to Scott on the phone while watching Ethan play in the tub, then before I knew it there were a lot more "items" in the tub and Ethan was screaming in fear of his own doing in the tub. Quickly I hung up and pulled him out telling him firmly not to move. He turns around, peering into the tub "It's like chocolate, poop make you sick!"..... Thanks buddy for ruining my craving for chocolate for a while.... He even mentioned it on the phone with his Grandma Wixom... He is getting much better a repeating exactly what I say which is a little scary. So mommy has to watch her mouth a little more closely. Ethan is still loving to go fast, and when it is time for a meal, nap or bedtime he now asks or rather states "play 2 minutes", or "one more time?". He has also become the master staller and looks for every opportunity to change the topic if he doesn't like it or the task by running for a distracting diversion..... smart people those little ones....
Jenna - Happy girl who loves to smile. She has now rolled tummy to back 3 times and is very intent on grabing things but still is working on making it happen... She is a very cute little thing and just loves to "talk" about anything with anyone. She has even let out a small laugh. She loves her big brother too:)
We are looking forward to spring time and are planning to drive to VA to see some friends in April and we finally booked our vacation to Orlando, hoping Ethan will still be in love with Disney by then(Spetember). Which is quite likely since we pretty much only watch Toy Story these days....