Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Funny things kids say...

Before the sleepies took over.....

After 3 days of no napping....

Jenna, "Ethan there is a bug on your fire truck from going too fast", Ethan "Cool!"

Deep in thought about whether this plastic ring is BPA free or not....

Mmmmm I like a good bird to munch on...

Just another day on the job...

Jenna wants to be heard dang it!

There is a sweet little thing about this gal:)

So this past week, Ethan says "that's pretty cool, huh?" a lot.... He uses the word cool like it is going out of style or something! Today while nursing Jenna during lunch... he says to me, pointing in my direction, where Jenna is eating "that's pretty cool food mom".....Uhhhh, what? I had to laugh. He also is very encouraging lately and as I finish vacuuming... "great job mom" I hear..... Lets just say his vocab gets more cute and interesting every day! He also said his own prayer before bed tonight, I was so proud. Most of it was whispered, but it was very cute all the same!

Jenna has taken to cooing and gahhhhing with stuff in her mouth and she squeals in delight. She has a favorite toy, a bird with very colorful wings. She is also just loving the attention Ethan dishes out on a regular basis. He loved to get on the floor next to her and play along side her. Quite cute!

Scott is doing well, be we can't say the same for the new Jetta that got rear ended on the freeway this past weekend... But he did pass both tests to sell securities, so that was a big relief! Scott and I are missionaries for our congregation and we are loving getting our plan together to help people learn how to share what we believe:)

Not much else is new around here, just enjoying some nicer weather, although, I am not sure if we have colds or if it is just allergies or both, but we are feeing a bit of something - Trees are blooming like nuts out here right now! it is beautiful... I will have to take a picture and put up a comparison of the winter to spring.... since it is soooooo drastic and that is the only thing I appreciate about Boston climate shifting with the seasons... In the mean time, here are cute pics of the kids... since the parent is always taking the pictures....

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