Monday, May 23, 2011

The joys of feeding kids....

Jenna and a silly face, rice cereal makes you do funny things...

I finally decided that Jenna needed to start some solids - maybe motivated by the woes of feeding a 2.5 year old that is super picky he won't even touch mac and cheese, chicken nuggets and all the other food staples of the terrible twos... I think I am determined to succeed in Jenna's eating habits, in hope she can show her brother how it is done.... Who knows! But so far we have had some rice cereal and sweet potatoes, She was not too keen on the potatoes but we will keep pushing it, we get some cute faces and expressions, which make it fun and I tell Ethan to tell her "good job" so she will smile and think it is fun even if the texture and taste are foreign. It at least gives us a new thing to do together:)

This look translated = "Seriously mom, what is this stuff?!"

First batch of egg-free Chocolate Chip cookies - but where is Cookie #12?

Here it is!!!! So Ethan having an egg allergy has been a rough go, especially for mommy. I don't know if it is just laziness or a hope that Ethan would eventually grow out of it, but this week I finally caved, bought an egg replacer and made cookies that Ethan can eat. Sad, that I have let too much time - 2 years and 8 months to be exact, pass that Ethan has never had the taste of a home made cookie. He loved it! I can't get him to try healthy food, aka veggies, even though I make it look fun, but he will try and consume a cookie.... Although this evening, Ethan did eat about 3cm of a green bean, which was very encouraging, but it soon turned into a train that chugged the grooved edge of the table and eventually ended up on my plate. Progress is progress when it comes to food in this house. Let's just say that my least favorite thing to do as a parent is get kids to eat, it is a lot of work and barley touched meals give very little encouragement that we are getting it all in, but I will push forward. Here's to more baking and cooking without eggs, oats, nuts, peanuts and of course cat and dog;)

Ethan has discovered the joys of wearing a baseball cap and playing baseball indoors(weather is not letting us out much these days, so rules must be bent for sanity's sake), he enjoys a good pitch and loves it when you pitch it right to the bat which doesn't swing yet... or at least not until 2 seconds after the ball passes by. We are working on that.

This picture makes me realize how much Ethan is looking like a little boy and not so little anymore.

Such a handsome little dude.

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