Sunday, May 8, 2011

Getting into the conversation mode

So this week Ethan was very cute in a few ways, well he is always cute but he did/said some very cute things and I had better type it our before I forget! Mommy brain will do that, basically my short term memory is aging faster than the rest of me.

Scott came out for dinner(and by "out", I mean out of his home office). Ethan was at the table and the conversation when something like this...

Ethan, "How's it going dad?"

Scott, " Good, buddy! How are you?"

Ethan, "How's work dad?"

Scott laughing, "good!"

I realize that Ethan is asking his daddy the same questions I ask Scott when I see him for the first time after work... So cute!

Next was today... So at church Ethan went to nursery class and we got report that he tried to escape and successfully got out the door 3 times. So I decided to confront Ethan on the issue head on after we had gotten home during snack time....

Me, "Ethan, did you leave Nursery today? Did you run out of the room?"

Ethan, "Uh Huh, I get in trouble at church."

So hard not to smile while telling him it is not okay to leave the class....

I love that kid!

Scott and I went on a "first" date(since Jenna arrived) last night to the MOS Planetarium. Yes, we escaped the house for a few hours! Kid free! This is a sure benefit for knowing your downstairs neighbors well enough to leave the monitor with them and exchange babysitting that way... It was a lot of fun and very much needed. It is so easy to get caught up in the kids and the household stuff, that you forget to be silly and laugh like you did during the early dating years and newlywed moments. But we had fun teasing and smiling and playing around on the musical steps at the MOS. After going to the planetarium you come out wondering a lot about how small we are in the universe and how vast space is. There are so many wonderful things out there and it is beautiful! I need to dust off the telescope and take a peek here this summer. Life is precious and we should live every moment to it's fullest. We may be small and a speck in the universe but we are important and significant to our little planet and to those who matter most to us.

Until next time:)...............

1 comment:

ellen said...

That Ethan is a character!